Israfil took possession of the land by destroying the name of Madrasa in Kamalnagar
Own Reporter: An allegation has been made against Mohammad Israfil, the chief patron of Darul Uloom Mohammadia Mahila Madrasa, for forcibly occupying land and houses in Badamtoli Bazar of Char Kadira in Kamalnagar, Lakshmipur, by changing the name of the madrasa. Local people raised various problems against him. They said that Israfil, dressed in religious garb, is harassing ordinary people in various ways, including land grabbing. Some helpless victim families are reluctant to open their mouths for fear of being rejected by him. Local complainant Shamsul Alam Nishad said that his father, the late Nur Alam Diyara, 24 Char Basumoja, 275, became the owner of one and a half percent of the land in 2014 through a purchase from the donor-Jamal, father-Abdur Rashid. After registering the land, he built shops and houses there. For a long time…