What type of socks is permissible to perform maseh on?


Question: The people of our country wear many types of socks. Some wear leather socks. Some wear thin cotton socks. Some wear nylon socks or cotton socks. Now I want to know - on which type of socks is it permissible to wipe?

Answer: According to our research, socks can be of three types.

1. Leather socks. It is unanimously permissible to wipe over such socks. It is permissible to wipe over boots and gumboots.

Imam Abu Hanifa (may Allah have mercy on him) said, “I did not advocate wiping over socks until the matter became clear to me as the light of day.” (Al-Bahr al-Rayyq, 1/288, Zakariyya)

Hasan Basri (may Allah have mercy on him) said, "I met seventy companions of Badr. I saw each of them wiping over leather socks." (Badayus Sanaye-1/77, Zakariyya Ahkamul Quran, Imam Jassaskrit-2/425)

2. Thin socks that are not made of leather and do not have any of the qualities of leather socks. Such as today's cotton socks, nylon socks, cotton socks, etc. It is not permissible to wipe over these socks.

Allama Kasani (may Allah have mercy on him) said, "If the socks are so thin that water penetrates them, then it is not permissible to wipe over them, according to consensus." (Badayus Sanaye-1/83, Zakariyya Book Depot)

3. Socks that are not made of leather, but have the qualities of leather socks due to their thickness. It is permissible to wipe over such socks if three conditions are met.

A. The sock should be thick enough that if water gets inside it, it does not reach the foot.

B. The socks are thick enough that you can walk about two to two and a half kilometers in them without tying them with anything, but the socks will not tear.

C. Socks should be big enough to cover the ankles.

Therefore, it is clear from the above discussion that wiping on thin socks made of the traditional fabric of our country is not permissible in any way.

Ibn Nuzaim (may Allah have mercy on him) said: It is not permissible to wipe over thin socks made of yarn or hair, according to unanimous opinion. (Al-Bahrur Rayyq-1/318, Zakariyya)

Note: 1. If you wear socks after performing ablution, you can wipe over them if your ablution is broken later. If it becomes obligatory to take a bath after wearing socks, it will not be permissible to wipe over those socks.

2. If you are a resident, you can wipe over your socks for one day and one night, and if you are a traveler, you can wipe over your socks for three days and three nights.

Source: Sahih Bukhari -202. Sunan Tirmidhi -93 Hedaya -1/61. Badayus Sanaye -1/75-85, Fatawa Hindiya -1/85. Majma'ul Anhur -1/74

Answered by - Mufti Sadequr Rahman, Mufti and Muhaddith, Sheikh Januruddin (R.A.) Darul Quran Madrasa, Chowdhurypara, Dhaka.

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