
উন্নয়ন অব্যাহত রাখতে নৌকায় ভোট চাইলেন মান্নান

Mannan seeks votes for boat to continue development

লক্ষ্মীপুর: শেখ হাসিনার নেতৃত্বে বাংলাদেশ এখন স্বর্ণ যুগে প্রবেশ করেছে উল্লেখ করে মহাজোটের শরিক বিকল্পধারা বাংলাদেশের মহাসচিব ও লক্ষ্মীপুর-৪ (রামগতি-কমলনগর) আসনে নৌকার প্রার্থী মেজর (অব.) আবদুল মান্নান বলেন, উন্নয়নের এ ধারা অব্যাগত রাখতে আবারও নৌকায় ভোট দিন। মঙ্গলবার (১১ ডিসেম্বর) বিকেলে কমলনগর উপজেলার ফজুমিয়ার হাট এলাকায় নির্বাচনী জনসংযোগের সময় তিনি এসব কথা বলেন। বিকল্পধারা মহাসচিব বলেন, শেখ হাসিনার নেতৃত্বে দেশের উন্নয়নের পাশাপাশি মানুষের ভাগ্যের পরিবর্তন হয়েছে। আওয়ামী লীগ সরকারের হাত ধরে দেশ এগিয়ে যাচ্ছে। এ উন্নয়নের অব্যাহত রাখতে আগামী নির্বাচনে নৌকা মার্কা ভোট দিয়ে শেখ হাসিনাকে আবারও প্রধানমন্ত্রী করতে হবে। মেঘনার ভাঙনকে রামগতি ও কমলনগরের দুঃখ উল্লেখ করে মেজর (অব.)…
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ভোটকেন্দ্র ছাড়বে না বিএনপি-ঐক্যফ্রন্ট: এ্যানী

BNP-Unity Front will not leave polling stations: Annie

Lakshmipur: 'BNP and Oikyafront will not leave the polling stations on the day of the 11th national election to be held on December 30. Leaders and activists will protect everyone's voting rights along with the people. No injustice will be allowed. Wherever injustice and irregularities occur, they will be prevented.' Central BNP Publicity Secretary and former MP Shahid Uddin Chowdhury Annie said these words at a view-sharing meeting organized in front of his house in the Godown Road area of the city on Monday (December 10) afternoon after receiving the symbol of a sheaf of rice from Lakshmipur-3 (Sadar) constituency. Annie said at the view-sharing meeting organized by Sadar Upazila BNP that the Awami League thinks that BNP leaders and activists will leave the area by filing cases and attacks before the elections. But there will be no benefit in filing cases and attacks.…
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কে এই বিশ্ব সুন্দরী ভেনেসা?

Who is this Miss World Vanessa?

Mexican beauty Vanessa Ponce de Leon has been crowned Miss World 2018, surprising everyone. The name of this beauty queen was announced on the final stage of the pageant held in China's Xi'an City on Saturday. 26-year-old Vanessa won the 'Miss World-2018' crown, leaving behind competitors from 118 countries around the world. This Mexican beauty queen was born on March 7, 1992. Vanessa was born in Guanajuato, the country. This 5-foot-7-inch tall beauty has been involved in showbiz since childhood. She has been selected in various beauty and model competitions in her own country. Vanessa is the first Mexican to be crowned Miss World. Earlier, on May 5, 2015, she was crowned Miss Mexican...
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নাজমুল হুদার মনোনয়ন বৈধ

Nazmul Huda's nomination is valid

Barrister Nazmul Huda's nomination paper has been declared valid in Dhaka-17 constituency. The EC made this decision after hearing the last day of the appeal settlement of the cancelled nomination papers on Saturday. Barrister Nazmul Huda's nomination paper has been declared valid in Dhaka-17 constituency. The EC made this decision after hearing the last day of the appeal settlement of the cancelled nomination papers on Saturday. Nazmul Huda took the Awami League's nomination paper in the upcoming 11th National Parliament election. However, in the nomination paper he later submitted to the Election Commission, he did not mention the name of any party or independent candidate. That is why the returning officer declared his nomination paper invalid. It is worth noting that Nazmul Huda, a minister in the BNP-Jamaat alliance government, was a member of the BNP's standing committee. Later, he left BNP...
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শেখ হাসিনার খোলা চিঠি

Sheikh Hasina's open letter

Awami League President Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has written an open letter to her party's leaders and activists in the 11th National Parliament election. She has made a special request to those who have become rebel (independent) candidates after being deprived of the party's nomination. In the letter, she has said to the rebel candidates of the party, 'My special request to you, in the interest of holding a united election, withdraw your candidacy in favor of the Grand Alliance candidate and make all-out efforts to make the Grand Alliance win. I am considering all your sacrifice, hard work and sincerity.' Awami League Office Secretary Abdus Sobhan Golap sent a notice to the media on Saturday afternoon. The notice contains a letter signed by party President Sheikh Hasina. The party's decision…
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বিএনপির কেন্দ্রীয় কার্যালয়ে এহছানুল হক মিলনের সমর্থকদের তালা

Ehsanul Haque Milon's supporters lock BNP central office

Hundreds of supporters of BNP's popular and imprisoned leader and former State Minister for Education Ehsanul Haque Milon have locked the Nayapaltan BNP central office after it did not give final nomination to former Chandpur-1 (Kachua) constituency candidate Ehsanul Haque Milon. Before locking the office on Saturday afternoon, his supporters protested and held a press conference. At that time, BNP central committee member Md. Mosharraf Hossain raised various slogans in favor of Milon, demanding that Ehsanul Haque Milon be nominated instead. His wife, former Mahila Dal leader Nazmun Nahar Baby, was also present at the scene. She alleged that BNP did not value those working for the party. She will definitely have to go to jail to participate in the election...
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জোট-আওয়ামীলীগে চুড়ান্ত প্রার্থী যারা

The final candidates in the alliance-Awami League

Dhaka: The Awami League has sent letters to the final candidates for the seats where two candidates were initially nominated. Among them, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has released Dr. Shirin Sharmin Chowdhury from Rangpur-6. On Friday (December 07), party General Secretary Obaidul Quader handed over the letters to the final candidates at the political office of the Awami League president in Dhanmondi in the capital. The final candidates who received the letters are Syed Ashraful Islam (Kishoreganj-1), Md. Mozaffar Hossain (Jamalpur-5), Habibur Rahman Molla (Dhaka-5), Haji Md. Selim (Dhaka-7), Akbar Hossain Pathan Faruk (Dhaka-17), Dr. Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir (Chandpur-1), Ma. Nurul Amin (Chandpur-2), Muhammad Shafiqur Rahman (Chandpur-4), AKM Shahjahan Kamal (Lakshmipur-3), Nizam Uddin Jalil (Naogaon-5),…
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কমলনগরে ইসলামী ব্যাংকের এজেন্ট ব্যাংকিং শাখা উদ্বোধন।

Islami Bank's agent banking branch inaugurated in Kamalnagar.

Amjad Hossain Amu, Kamalnagar-(Lakshmipur): The agent banking branch of Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. was inaugurated at Fajumiyar Hat Bazar in Kamalnagar, Lakshmipur. On Wednesday (December 05) afternoon, FVP and Head of Hazir Hat Branch Manager Chana Ullah inaugurated the agent bank. The chairman of the meeting, EVP and Head of Zone Noakhali Branch of the company Mohammad Rukon Uddin said that the agent bank will run under the supervision of Hazir Hat Islami Bank in Kamalnagar. He said that here, there will be discussions on opening banking accounts, money exchange, money transactions from abroad, small and agricultural investments, Khidmah cards, government social security programs, etc. The chief guest was Kamalnagar Upazila Nirbahi Officer Md. Imtiaz…
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খাদ্য নিরাপত্তা ও পুষ্টি মেলার র‌্যালী ও আলোচনা

Food Safety and Nutrition Fair Rally and Discussion

Amjad Hossain Amu, Laxmipur: A rally and discussion was held at the Food Security and Nutrition Fair in Kamalnagar, Laxmipur under the slogan "Sustainable Agriculture and Linkages". On Wednesday (December 5) morning, Solidarity Network Asia organized the fair at the Kamalnagar Upazila premises. Kamalnagar Upazila Executive Officer Imtiaz Hossain was the chief guest. Upazila Secondary Education Officer Abdul Wazed Talukder, Agriculture Officer Md. Iqtarul Islam, Social Service Worker Md. Masud, Solidarity Agriculturist Md. Saifullah, Yusuf Ali, Md. Anwar Hossain, Md. Mahbub and others spoke on behalf of farmers. At the discussion meeting, the chief guest said that soybean is a nutritious food of the coastal region. Nutritious food security can be provided in the country by producing more soybeans.…
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