Case filed against 400 leaders and activists, including former BNP MP Moni, in Barguna-2 constituency
Barguna Correspondent: Kakchira Union Chairman Alauddin Paltu has filed a case against 400 leaders and activists, including former BNP MP Alhaj Nurul Islam Moni, in Barguna-2 constituency. Police have already arrested five people. The arrested are Barguna District Chhatra Dal President Faizul Malek Sajib, Patharghata Municipality Chhatra Dal Member Secretary Khairul Islam Sharif, Raihanpur Union Chhatra Dal General Secretary Taslim Hossain, Chhatra Dal activists Hasib and Shaon. Barguna Police Superintendent Md. Abdul Salam confirmed the case on Monday afternoon. When BNP-supported former National Parliament member from Barguna-2 constituency Alhaj Nurul Islam Moni reached Patharghata with a motorcycle convoy on Sunday afternoon, the people who were with Nurul Islam Moni were arrested in the C&B area of Nachnapara Union…