Country News

103 Posts
দেশের তিন এলাকায় যে কারণে শীত বেশি

Three regions of the country that is why winter is more

The three areas of the country have the lowest temperatures. As a result, people in those areas suffer the most in winter. Among them, Tentulia in Panchagarh and Srimangal in Moulvibazar have the coldest weather due to their geographical location. Because, a few kilometers behind those two areas are the Himalayan mountains and the hilly areas of Meghalaya. The Himalayas regularly snow during winter. And for a decade, the natural environment of Jessore and Chuadanga has changed. Rivers have dried up and water and water vapor have decreased. As a result, the winter wind is not getting any warm water vapor. Due to this, the temperature remains low. The cold wave that has been blowing through the country for two weeks has lasted longer in those three areas.…
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শীতেও হতে পারে পানির ঘাটতি, দেখা দেয় যেসব লক্ষণ

There may be shortage of water in winter, the symptoms that appear

Many drink less water in winter due to lack of thirst. But it can cause dehydration in the body. Lack of water in the body in winter increases the risk of various diseases. A study by the University of New Hampshire in the UK has shown that dehydration increases in winter. As people don't feel thirsty with this seasonal temperature drop, they also forget to drink enough water. Wearing warm clothes in winter makes the body more warm. Sweat evaporates more quickly in cold, dry air, resulting in dehydration. According to medical science, 30 percent of the body is liquid and the remaining 70 percent consists of bones and marrow.
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ত্বকে অক্সিজেন সরবরাহ ঠিক রাখবেন যেভাবে

How to maintain oxygen supply to the skin

Who does not want to keep the skin beautiful? But keeping the skin healthy and beautiful is also quite a hassle. Especially those who have to go out of the house every day, the dust, smoke, pollution of their skin is bad. In this situation the skin becomes lifeless. Experts say, as a result, the skin cannot supply oxygen properly. That's why many skin problems occur. Experts say, whenever a problem occurs in the skin, it should be understood that there is a lack of oxygen. For some reason the pores are blocked. This is why skin problems are occurring. There are some simple steps to follow for this. For example- 1. To maintain oxygen supply to the skin daily, plenty of…
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কোন ধরনের মোজার উপর মাসেহ করা জায়েজ?

What type of socks is permissible to perform maseh on?

Question: The people of our country wear many types of socks. Some wear leather socks. Some wear thin cotton socks. Some wear nylon socks or cotton socks. Now I want to know - what type of socks is it permissible to wipe over? Answer: According to our research, socks can be of three types. 1. Leather socks. It is unanimously permissible to wipe over such socks. It is permissible to wipe over boots and gumboots. Imam Abu Hanifa (may Allah have mercy on him) said, I did not advocate wiping over socks until the matter became clear to me like daylight. (Al-Bahrur Rayyek-1/288, Zakariyya) Hasan Basri (may Allah have mercy on him) said, Seventy Badri…
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দিপালীদের সংসারে জনম আঁধার

Darkness is born in the world of Deepali

They roam from village to village for income. They put horns on, remove worms from teeth, and give amulets to children for 'treatment' of various diseases. If there is poison in the body, they cure it with a thick part of a cut buffalo horn. In this way, they earn a little money in the name of treating the villagers. However, the wheels of the family do not turn properly with a daily income of 100 to 200 taka. A temporary bedepalli of 11 families was established five years ago in Bedepalli in Khilpara area of Maria union in Kishoreganj Sadar upazila. The original home is in Jhenaigati of Sherpur. The members of the palli earn money by roaming around like this. There are about 25 children there. Of these, at least 15 are suitable for school, but four go to the local BRAC school. The others…
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‘হোম ডেলিভারি’ দিতে এসে ৫ হাজার পিস ইয়াবাসহ গ্রেপ্তার যুবক

Arrested youth with 5000 pieces of yaba for 'home delivery'

A young man has been arrested with five thousand pieces of Yaba while coming from Cox's Bazar to deliver drugs to Bhanga. He was arrested from the Dhaka-Mawa-Bhanga toll plaza area of the Bangabandhu Highway in a raid by the Faridpur Narcotics Control Department on Saturday evening. The arrested youth has been identified as Nurul Hakim (31). He is the son of Abdul Jabbar of Paglir Bil village under Ukhia police station in Cox's Bazar. Narcotics Control Department sources said that based on intelligence information, the body of Nurul Hakim, who was a passenger in a bus named Kotali Para Star Express that left Dhaka from the expressway toll plaza, was searched under the leadership of Shamim Hossain, Deputy Director of the Faridpur Narcotics Control Department. Later, five thousand pieces of Yaba were found in his possession…
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আখেরি মোনাজাতে শেষ হলো বিশ্ব ইজতেমার প্রথম পর্ব

The first phase of the World Ijtema ended with the last prayer

The first phase of the 56th Biswa Ijtema, organized by the followers of Maulana Zubair, ended with the final prayer, seeking the welfare of the country, peace in this world and the hereafter. In the final prayer, people raised their hands and prayed to the Almighty Allah for self-purification and forgiveness of their sins, as well as for protection from all worldly troubles. At this time, the sky and air were filled with the sound of 'Amen, Allahumma Amen'. The prayer was led by Maulana Muhammad Zubair, Imam of Kakrail Mosque in Bangladesh, a leading teacher of the Biswa Tablighi Jamaat. The prayer began at 9:58 am and ended at 10:22 am. He led the prayer in Arabic and Bengali. In the 22-minute prayer, Maulana Zubair recited the first 9 verses of
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নিউইয়র্কে স্কুলে নিষিদ্ধ হলো ‘চ্যাটজিপিটি’

'ChatGPT' banned in New York schools

Artificial intelligence technology can interfere with intellectual development - the artificial intelligence software 'ChatGPT' has been banned in public schools in the United States of America. US-based research institute 'OpenAI' unveiled 'ChatGPT' on November 30. It generated mixed reactions among teachers and parents. As a result, the use of 'ChatGPT' has been banned for students and teachers in public schools in New York City, USA. On January 3, the New York City Department of Education officially issued this ban, stating that 'ChatGPT has a negative impact on student learning'. The agency said, 'Due to concerns about the negative impact on student learning and the safety and accuracy of content displayed as a result of artificial intelligence chatbots...
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ঠিকানাহীন দল আর জোট জোড়াতালি

Addressless party and alliance

Awami League and BNP are fierce opponents of each other in the electoral arena. Each time, keeping the parliamentary elections in mind, these two political parties arrange the alliance platform anew. This time too, both parties are trying to show their strength by adding one party after another to the alliance. However, to make the alliance stronger, they are pulling in such well-known parties or organizations, which are being joked about and various questions have arisen. There are also parties that have only one leader and no one else. There is no party office, no organizational committee. With these 'small' parties, Awami League is election-oriented and BNP is movement-oriented. Counting them, there are four and a half dozen, the number is 54. All are anti-government. Among them is 'one leader, one party'! The top leader of the organization...
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কক্সবাজারে আজ স্বরাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রণালয় সম্পর্কিত স্থায়ী কমিটির বৈঠক

A meeting of the standing committee related to the Ministry of Home Affairs was held in Cox's Bazar today

Rohingya camps in Cox's Bazar are frequently targeted by gunfire and killings. Kidnappings and ransoms are being collected one after another in Teknaf. Across the border, clashes in Myanmar and gunfire have caused panic among residents of Ukhia and Teknaf. In this situation, a meeting of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Ministry of Home Affairs is being held in Cox's Bazar on Sunday. Although the meeting is regularly held in Dhaka, this time it is being held in Cox's Bazar for special reasons. The agenda of the meeting includes drug smuggling in the border areas, activities of the BGB and Coast Guard in the border areas including St. Martin's Island, but the issue of law and order in the Rohingya camps will be given importance, said the concerned people. According to district administration sources, Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan and members of the Standing Committee on the Ministry of Home Affairs are in Cox's Bazar to attend the meeting…
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